Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo is visiting NY!

Dear Nemo,

You can be a pain in the neck. You sure cost a lot of money, work and time, but you are damn beautiful! And in Central Park, you are even better!

Boathouse - One of my favorites restaurants in NYC. The view from there is sensational and very romantic.

 The view of a snowy day is amazing in Central Park, like nowhere else in the Big Apple!

Bethesda Terrace - Considered the heart of Central Park

Cherry Hill - The 14-foot fountain was design to function as watering though for horses, but no horses actually drink from the Fountain.

Sledding is a fun and very common activity in Central Park when it snows. Just bring the kids and a sled, and join them for a fun ride! There were even people with their ski equipments! ahah I thought it was a little silly, but why not? 

                                     Pond - view from 59th St.

Sunset - Beautiful!

A little cold in there!

Central Park surrounded by its beautiful and distinctive buildings, with THAT sunlight reflecting in the buildings! Oh, my!  <3

Sunset from 59th St.

To be honest, It was a lot cold in Central Park this afternoon. At some point I wasn't able to feel my toes anymore, but it was worth it. Having a quiet time in a beautiful place like that, with that gorgeous view is priceless and painless! Make sure you go before the snow melts, but don't forget to wear warm clothes. I even recommend snow pants and jackets, especially if you are going to get your hands dirty. I saw many people wearing them. Don't worry, you won't look weird. Trust me!

Enjoy the photos and make sure you like my post.   Have a happy snowy week and don't let the snow bother you and your eyes! Use sunglasses!  ;-)

We've got to love Central Park, we've got to love snow!  Thanks Nemo! Thanks Central Park! ♥♥♥

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Mascots of the Library

I am finally back and my first post of 2013 is about those fantastic Mascots of the Library.  Did you know that those marble lions in front of the New York Public Library at 42nd street and 5th Avenue have names? Oh, well! I didn't, so here is what I found out while reading the New York Times this week.

Those two adorable sculptures guard the New York Public Library, and I guess there is no better guards than those two, right? Their names are Patience and Fortitude. According to some sources, the lions' nicknames have changed over the years, but in the 1930s Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia named them Patience and Fortitude, which represent the qualities that New Yorkers would need to go through difficult times during the economic depression. That's true! We all need patience and fortitude in life. Well done Mr. LaGuardia! Nice names for two beautiful and brave guardians.

If you would like to learn more about Patience and Fortitude, click here

I thought it would be worth sharing a little bit of the history of the city with you!

I hope you liked it! ;)  

Beijos  ( That means kisses in Portuguese) And Happy 2013!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Fun in NY - Part II

One week away from Christmas and NY is all ready to receive Saint Nicholas. With so many things to do in NY, we never know where to start and where to go next. So, here are a few more useful tips for you to enjoy as much as you can in the city on Christmas time.

When passing by the Rockefeller Center, which is even more beautiful this time of the year, you might want to stop to see the 3D light show on fifth Avenue at the Saks building. I was there last year and the one before, and before, and before, but still haven't had a chance to stop by this year and, honestly, I am desperate to go.  ;) It's pretty impressive! Here is a little bit of what you will see this year. You can't miss it!

You can also go to Bryant Park, whether you like to ice skate or not. Even if you don't want to ice skate, you can just stop to enjoy the vista and do some holidays shopping or eat some of their delicious sweet popcorn. It's a nice trip to do at night or in the afternoon, just make sure you keep yourself warm. Moreover, if you have a skate, you won't even have to pay for it. Just bring your own skates and have a great time!

  • The Outstanding New York City Balltet - The Nutcracker, which is a MUST SEE show, is being performed at Lincoln Center until december 30th. You must not miss that one. Click on the underlined words to find out information and watch a video about the events. 

  • And the last, but not least is Central Park. We can't forget ice skating in the most beautiful park in the city. In addition to the great view, you also have the option to stop at the Boat House and have a glass of wine. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? What else can we ask for? How can you not like my Big Apple?  I just love it!  <3

With all those options is impossible not to have the best Christmas in New York. I am already having mine, enjoying every single event that this extraordinary city has to offer. You also should take the most of it, and it doesn't cost much! ;-) I hope you get a chance to see at least one of those events and feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 
May Santa be kind to everybody, specially to those who support me and read my posts every time. Thank you!  

HO HO HO HO!!!  :-D

Friday, December 14, 2012

Santacon in the Big Apple!

   Here is another fun event in NYC during Christmas time. Every year, many Santa Clauses come out of their freezing home in North Pole to have some fun in the city before they get serious for Christmas. Even Santa deserves to have a great time in the Big Apple, right?
   So, on saturday, december 15th, SantaCon is going to take place in the streets of New York.  The parade with hundreds of Santa Clauses will start at Pier 84 at 10am, and from there you will just follow all the Santa Clauses to wherever, and that will be fun... guaranteed! Just make sure you are with many friends to share fun moments!

   Go get your costume and have a wonderful time!

   Check out some pictures from last year.

Enjoy it!!!   HO HO HO HO!!!

Christmas fun in NY - Part I

 Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and it's even better when you are in the greatest city in the world. There is no better place to be on Christmas than being home with your family, but if I'm not home, the place I would chose to be would definitely be NY. Christmas is magical in NY and very inspiring!
The Rockefeller Center is the symbol of Christmas in NY and a place where everyone must go to see the beautiful Christmas Tree and the lights that surrounds the building.

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree

   There are many things you can do on Christmas time in the Big Apple besides the events and shows that already have in the city in typical days. One Christmas event that must be on your to-do-list is the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, where the Rockettes shine at Radio City Music Hall.
    I was there this year and it was amazing!!! Some people have watched it last year, but it's different every time you go. The group consists of 36 girls who look exactly the same when on stage. It's astonishing watching how precise they are. Not to mention the songs and scenario that are terrific!!! 

It's a little blurry, but that is Santa  :-D

The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers - That was my favorite part. So precise and perfect!

New York at Christmas - A fun ride to all the tourist points of the city. 

Sleigh Ride - Rockettes wearing reindeer costume - They looked so real, just like real reindeer!

Here comes Santa Claus! - It's amazing seeing so many Santas together in this part of the show...very fun! Lots of wishes to come true!

Let Christmas Shine! They sing and dance beautifully!!!

Those famous legs..straight and high! Very fun to watch!

An interview with the Rockettes. Learn about their routine.

Tips for a good Christmas photo album:

  • Go to Rockefeller Center  and take some pictures posing next to the huge and gorgeous Christmas Tree..well, the only problem is that it is so crowd that you will probably have other people in your photo.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Desfile do Dia de Ação de Graças em Nova Iorque.

   No dia 22 de Novembro foi celebrado o Dia de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos, e como já é de praxe, o maior desfile em comemoração a esse dia aconteceu em Manhattan, na cidade de Nova Iorque. A maior loja de departamentos dos Estados Unidos, oferece, todo ano, um desfile para comemorar o "Thanksgiving", nome da data comemorativa em Inglês. O tão famoso desfile, "Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade", deu início na rua 77, lado oeste do Central Park e percorreu todo o caminho na sexta avenida, até a rua 34, também chamada de Harold Square, onde está situada a Macy's, considerada a maior loja de departamentos dos Estados Unidos e do mundo!

   O desfile contou com a presença de muitos artistas, entre eles: The Roots and Jimmy Fallon, Whoopi Goldberg, The Olympic Gymnasts, Tyler Glenn, Cody Simpson, Rachel Crow, The Wanted, Trace Adkins, Colbie Caillat, Florida. E não foi só isso! Artistas de todos os lugares do país vieram para prestigiar o evento e desejar aos Nova Iorquinos e Americanos um Feliz Dia de Ação de Graças - "Happy Thanksgiving", em Inglês. Artistas, conhecidos ou não, voluntários, funcionários de empresas, inclusive da Macy's estavam no meio do desfile, entretendo o público e mostrando suas habilidades artísticas. 
   Eu estava lá, como espectadora é claro! Foi muito gratificante e engraçado ver o desfile e seus enormes balões de ar, com formato dos personagens dos filmes americanos. Além de tudo, foi  prazeroso ver as crianças impressionadas com a grandiosidade dos balões, até mesmo eu fiquei! Famílias vieram de todas as partes do país para prestigiar o evento, e muitas delas passaram a madrugada na rua para conseguir um lugar com ampla visão para o desfile. Eu já não sei se eu teria coragem pra fazer isso! Cheguei no desfile depois do início e perdi alguns personagens, porém consegui registar boas fotos para dividir com vocês. Espero que gostem!

Fatos sobre desfile da Macy's:

  • 1924 - O primeiro desfile da Macy's, que foi inicialmente chamado de Macy's Christmas Parade ( Desfile de Natal da Macy's)

  • O desfile foi iniciado pela primeira geração de trabalhadores imigrantes;

  • 1927 - Surgiram os primeiros balões gigantes;

  • O desfile é composto por 4.000 voluntários;

  • O desfile tem 2 km. de extensão;

  • Mais de 3 milhões de visitantes prestigiam o evento;

  • Mais de 40 milhões de pessoas assistem pela televisão;

  • A única interrupção da Macys Parade desde 1924 até hoje,  foi durante a guerra mundial: 1942-1944.

Fatos sobre o Dia de Ação de Graças:

  • Apenas 5% dos americanos não comem peru no Dia de Ação de Graças;

  • Não havia torta de abóbora (a famosa Pumpkin Pie), no primeiro Ação de Graças;

  • Benjamin Franklin queria que o peru fosse considerado o pássaro nacional dos EUA;

  • Um americano que comemora o Thanksgiving sem frescuras,  consome aproximadamente 4.500 calorias no dia de Ação de Graças;

  • Os dois perus absolvidos pelo presidente a cada ano, vivem seus dias em paz na Disneylândia.
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